Kettlebell - One Arm Clean And Jerk

Recommendations: 2-3 Sets, 1-5 Reps, 80 Wght

Quads Glutes Hamstrings Calves Lower Back Traps Strength Kettlebell Push Compound Gym

Purpose: To develop core strength of the lower and middle body.

Benefits: It is the single best exercise to develop full body strength and increase your fat-burning metabolism.

Position your feet shoulder width apart and your toes facing forward. Place a kettlebell between your feet. Grasp the barbell with your right hand using an overhand (hook) grip. Lower your hips with the weight focused on the heels, back straight, head facing forward, chest up, with your shoulders just in front of the kettlebell. This will be your starting position. Pull the kettlebell up off the floor by extending hips and knees. As the kettlebell reaches knees vigorously raise shoulders while keeping the kettlebell close to thighs. When the kettlebell passes your mid-thighs, allow it to contact thighs. Jump upward extending body. Shrug shoulders and pull the kettlebell upward with arms allowing elbows to flex out to sides, keeping it close to your body. Aggressively pull your body under the kettlebell, rotating elbows around it. Catch the kettlebell on your shoulder while moving into a squat position. Hitting bottom of squat, stand up immediately. Bending the knees slightly, you push upwards through your hips while straightening your arms, putting yourself under the kettlebell. You can either end in a split stance or position your feet square, under your hips shoulder-width apart. Bend knees slightly and lower the kettlebell to mid-thigh position. Slowly lower the kettlebell with taut lower back and trunk close to vertical. Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions. Position your feet shoulder width apart and your toes facing forward. Place a kettlebell between your feet. Grasp the barbell with your left hand using an overhand (hook) grip. Lower your hips with the weight focused on the heels, back straight, head facing forward, chest up, with your shoulders just in front of the kettlebell. This will be your starting position. Pull the kettlebell up off the floor by extending hips and knees. As the kettlebell reaches knees vigorously raise shoulders while keeping the kettlebell close to thighs. When the kettlebell passes your mid-thighs, allow it to contact thighs. Jump upward extending body. Shrug shoulders and pull the kettlebell upward with arms allowing elbows to flex out to sides, keeping it close to your body. Aggressively pull your body under the kettlebell, rotating elbows around it. Catch the kettlebell on your shoulder while moving into a squat position. Hitting bottom of squat, stand up immediately. Bending the knees slightly, you push upwards through your hips while straightening your arms, putting yourself under the kettlebell. You can either end in a split stance or position your feet square, under your hips shoulder-width apart. Bend knees slightly and lower the kettlebell to mid-thigh position. Slowly lower the kettlebell with taut lower back and trunk close to vertical. Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.

The quads are a set of four muscles in the upper front thigh. All four muscles work to straighten the knee. One of the four (rectus femoris) also helps to bend the hip. Squats are considered a vital exercise for increasing the strength and size of the legs and butt.

Step 1

With the kettlebell between your feet, lower hips and grasp it with your right hand.


Position your feet shoulder width apart and your toes facing forward. Place a kettlebell between your feet. Grasp the barbell with your right hand using an overhand (hook) grip. Lower your hips with the weight focused on the heels, back straight, head facing forward, chest up, with your shoulders just in front of the kettlebell. This will be your starting position.

Step 2

Stand upright pulling the kettlebell to mid-thigh.


Pull the kettlebell up off the floor by extending hips and knees. As the kettlebell reaches knees vigorously raise shoulders while keeping the kettlebell close to thighs. When the kettlebell passes your mid-thighs, allow it to contact thighs.

Step 3

Pull the kettlebell to shoulder height by shrugging shoulders.


Jump upward extending body. Shrug shoulders and pull the kettlebell upward with arms allowing elbows to flex out to sides, keeping it close to your body. Aggressively pull your body under the kettlebell, rotating elbows around it.

Step 4

Go into squat position, kettlebell on shoulders.


Catch the kettlebell on your shoulder while moving into a squat position.. Keep your back straight and your head facing upward.

Step 5

At bottom of squat, stand upright immediately.


Hitting bottom of squat, stand up immediately. Do not pause. Keep your back straight and your head facing upward.

Step 6

Push the kettlebell, using your hips, overhead with straight arms.


Bending the knees slightly, you push upwards through your hips while straightening your arms, putting yourself under the kettlebell. You can either end in a split stance or position your feet square, under your hips shoulder-width apart.

Step 7

Lower kettlebell to mid-thigh position.


Bend knees slightly and lower the kettlebell to mid-thigh position. Keep your back straight and your head facing upward.

Step 8

Return to starting position.


Return to starting position by slowly lowering the kettlebell with taut lower back and trunk close to vertical. Repeat as required.

Step 9

With the kettlebell between your feet, lower hips and grasp it with your left hand.


Position your feet shoulder width apart and your toes facing forward. Place a kettlebell between your feet. Grasp the barbell with your left hand using an overhand (hook) grip. Lower your hips with the weight focused on the heels, back straight, head facing forward, chest up, with your shoulders just in front of the kettlebell. This will be your starting position.

Step 10

Stand upright pulling the kettlebell to mid-thigh.


Pull the kettlebell up off the floor by extending hips and knees. As the kettlebell reaches knees vigorously raise shoulders while keeping the kettlebell close to thighs. When the kettlebell passes your mid-thighs, allow it to contact thighs.

Step 11

Pull the kettlebell to shoulder height by shrugging shoulders.


Jump upward extending body. Shrug shoulders and pull the kettlebell upward with arms allowing elbows to flex out to sides, keeping it close to your body. Aggressively pull your body under the kettlebell, rotating elbows around it.

Step 12

Go into squat position, kettlebell on shoulders.


Catch the kettlebell on your shoulder while moving into a squat position.. Keep your back straight and your head facing upward.

Step 13

At bottom of squat, stand upright immediately.


Hitting bottom of squat, stand up immediately. Do not pause. Keep your back straight and your head facing upward.

Step 14

Push the kettlebell, using your hips, overhead with straight arms.


Bending the knees slightly, you push upwards through your hips while straightening your arms, putting yourself under the kettlebell. You can either end in a split stance or position your feet square, under your hips shoulder-width apart.

Step 15

Lower kettlebell to mid-thigh position.


Bend knees slightly and lower the kettlebell to mid-thigh position. Keep your back straight and your head facing upward.

Step 16

Return to starting position.


Return to starting position by slowly lowering the kettlebell with taut lower back and trunk close to vertical.